Англійська мова 9 клас

завдання на 15.05.2020!

Task 1. Put «+» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false
1. A very rich painter had a family.
2. The patient was the painter’s son.
3. The doctor was angry.
4. The doctor asked the painter to come to the hospital.
5. His painter was sure it was about his picture.
6. The doctor said nothing about the door.
Task 2. Choose a correct variant.
1. A painter had…
a) a son;
b) a family;
c) a dog.
2. The animal lay…
a) in the box;
b) under the bed;
c) in the bed.
3. The doctor was…
a) glad;
b) angry;
c) happy.
4. The ill dog ate…
a) bread;
b) meat;
c) nothing.
5. The patient was…
a) a painter;
b) a doctor;
c) a dog.
6. The hospital refused to send…
a) a doctor;
b) a letter;
c) food.


Florence Nightingale

The Nightingales were wealthy and could live wherever they wanted. When
William Nightingale married he and his beautiful bride toured Europe and visited
many cities. On May 12, 1820 in Florence, Italy, their first child was born and they
called their daughter Florence. Later the family lived most of the time in London,
England. During her childhood and youth Florence was chiefly interested in taking
care of poor people in hospitals; her dream was to become a nurse. At the age of
seventeen she was presented to Queen Victoria; with her sister she toured Italy,
Germany and France where she learned the languages of those nations. In
Germany Florence entered the nurse institute for a three-month training course.
When she was 34 Florence became the Head of the hospital for governesses in
London. She organized the work of medical nurses very well there. The Sponsors
of the hospital were very pleased with her.
During the war in the Crimea, Florence and her nurses took care of the wounded
and dying. They brought order and cleanliness into the army hospitals. In England
she was asked to organize an army hospital reform. She returned to her native land
to popularize nurses' uniforms and the nursing institutes.
The fame of Florence Nightingale spread and throughout the world she was
known as the “Lady of the Lamp”. Today all Nurse Training centers exist due to
Florence Nightingale's first institute. She also wrote a practical book entitled Notes
on Nursing.
She had much to do with bringing the Red Cross into army medical activities.
Florence Nightingale lived to be very old and on August 13, 1910 at the age of
ninety she died.
Task 1. Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false
1. The Nightingales were wealthy and could live wherever they wanted.
2. The family lived most of the time in Italy.
3. Florence had always wanted to become a nurse.
4. Florence knew three foreign languages.
5. At the age of seventeen she was presented to Queen Victoria.
6. In Italy Florence entered the nurse institute.
7. At the age of 34 Florence became the Head of the hospital.
8. In England she was asked to popularize hospital.
9. The Sponsors of the hospital were very pleased with her.
10. She wrote an autobiographical novel.

11. Florence Nightingale wasn’t very old when she died.
12. Florence and her nurses took care of the wounded and dying.
1. Do you live ......................... near Jim?
2. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost .......... ?
3. Can you give me ...................... information about places to see in the
4. Would you like ....................... more coffee?
5. There are not ______ pictures on the wall.
6. There isn’t ____ sugar in his coffee.
7. Do you know …………….. in Paris? – Yes, I’ve got some friends there.
(Two right answers - дві правильні відповіді)
8. Do you know …………… about computers?

9. They were hungry, so they wanted to eat …………….
(Two right answers дві правильні відповіді)
10. I’m looking for my pencil. I can’t find it ……………..

завдання на 08.05.2020!
Підручник Англійська мова ст 105 впр 2
вивчити слова, записати у словник, впр 3
читати текст, впр 4 доповнити речення
інформацією з тексту
ст. 110 впр 4 підготувати текст до переказу
(контроль говоріння)

завдання на 24.04.2020!
Підручник Англійська мова ст. 103 впр. 3
вивчити слова, записати у словник, впр 4
перекласти письмово текст,ст 104 впр 5 дати
відповіді на запитання

завдання на 17.04.2020!
Підручник Англійська мова ст. 101 впр 1
вивчити слова, записати у словник; впр 4
читати текст; ст 102 впр 5 обрати
правильні/неправильні твердження,
неправильні виправити.

завдання на 3.04.2020!
Підручник Англійська мова ст. 136 впр. 1 поєднати слова з визначеннями, перекласти їх, впр. 2 виконати тестові завдання